Guaranteed service is the difference
between hoping and knowing

Disaster Response as a Service (DRaaS)℠ is a subscription-based approach to incident response that helps businesses lock-in rapid, professional service for issues like fire and water damage to deodorization and microbial decontamination before any issue arises—ensuring support, reducing risk, and smoothing costs for your business. 


Maintain Business Continuity

With our veteran response team and locked-in service program, your protected facilities get back on-line faster than other approaches with minimized losses.

Reduce Risk by having
a plan in place

With a locked in DRaaS℠ agreement, our customers feel confident that equipment will be on site when and where it is needed – reducing the risk  of increased damage and losses.

Stabilize Cash Flow
and Budget

Unlike pay-as-you-go models, subscription pricing helps businesses normalize cash flow and manage to a budget line item by reducing cost spikes that typically result from unexpected events.